First Torch Books


Within the realms of Science Fiction and Fantasy, everyone has great ideas. Most have stories they want to tell. Some will put pen to paper, but few will finish. You are different, however. There is a story on your heart, and you wish to put it out into the world. But only YOU can tell it. You see…

You are the chosen one.

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You. Your experiences, the highs and lows, the victories and failures; everything that makes you who you are, can not be replaced. You are the secret sauce that will allow your readers to connect with your story. But conveying that through the written word is no easy task. To create that connection, requires intimacy. And to find that intimacy, you must first make yourself vulnerable. That’s what separates a book from a story:

Pain. Scary, raw, dark–pain. 

At the heart of every great story, there is a pain that must be defeated. The reader wants to know how the hero will defeat the pain, so they can do the same within their own hearts, but only you can show them how. 

And it’s not that easy.

Maybe you’ve started stories before but haven’t been able to finish them. Perhaps you've finished a couple, but you're not happy with it and don't know how to fix it. Or worst of all, your stories are out there, but not resonating with your audience and you’re ready to give up… Don’t.

Once again, YOU are the chosen one. 

And you're not alone. At least, you don't have to be.

Frodo didn’t destroy the ring by himself; he had Gandalf and Sam. Luke didn’t defeat the Galactic Empire on his own; he had Obi-Wan, Yoda, a pair of droids and a group of friends helping him. Why should you have to conquer the dark alone? That’s where I come in.

I’m Tim Facciola, an epic fantasy author and book coach who helps SFF novelists identify the core of their story and package it in an unforgettably cathartic book that allows readers to confront their own pain.

While every author has their own unique process, there is a formula to story. Studied, researched, and proven time and time again, there are crucial plot elements to every story-type that coincide with different character archetypes and emotional arcs. With the approach and framework in First Torch Books, not only will you be able to navigate the darkness of your story, but you’ll light the way for your readers, leaving them with a story they can’t help but love. 

Ready to understand how to fashion a page-turning best-seller and gain the confidence to do it again and again with greater efficiency and authenticity?

Schedule My Intro Coaching Call



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Services For SFF Novelists:

Author Coaching

One on One

The most individualized approach to building your author brand. From idea formation to publication and everything in between, together, we will unlock your story's potential. 

Novel In A Year

Small Group Coaching

A full year of teaching, coaching, and mentorship with a follow-along video curriculum and weekly live group discussion in a close group of highly motivated SFF-specific authors.

Editorial Assessment

Revise With Confidence

Comprehensive editorial evaluations highlight the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and potential market for your manuscript.